#WTF is #Systemd ?!

This is a f..n’ good question isn’t-it ? Myself I don’t really know… but I really need to understand how it will simplify how I deal with system logs, services, etc.

How to disable #Fortinet defaults port

The Fortinet appliances are defaultly provided with access to some TCP ports. One of them is linked to « Public Endpoint Control Portal », who’s aim is to permit download the « Endpoint » Fortinet software… Here’s how I do unpublished those ports.

Opening #TrueCrypt volume on #Linux

Since a long time ago, I used to store important work datas into a TrueCrypt crypted volume. This is, for me, the best way to store those datas and read them from any common OS such as Windows, Mac OS… and Linux too ! Unfortunately, this project’s no more maintened since May 2014, with potentials…

Windows Logo

Ah, Windows, ses accents, ses espaces…

Ou, comment dire, la prise de tête pour se sortir d’une emmerde à cause de stupide accents !! Oui, se fût une prise de tronche pour arriver à trouver comment on pourrait monter le sous-dossier d’un partage réseau qui contient des accents… parce qu’en plus, impossible de le renommer ce couillon de dossier !! Alors…